


  • 公司: 保定科天模具制造有限公司
  • 地址: 河北省保定市清苑区闫庄乡南闫庄村
  • 联系: 梁文华
  • 手机: 13932290470
  • 一键开店


2022-02-07 04:03:01  315次浏览 次浏览
价 格:700




9b9f28a40fa04a90246a7f66fbe96493 - 副本 - 副本.jpgThe anti-collision barrier mold can be said to be a mold with high demand, and its size can be customized according to different use environments and different use effects. Custom mold drawings are provided by the customer. Production of anti-collision guardrail mould

The prefabricated parts can be used for the construction of different expressways. After the completion of the whole construction, they will appear in the shape of wall guardrail, which will be connected with tools and some parts. The use of such protective facilities is characterized by the moment of violent impact of vehicles, the guardrail will not deform or deviate, thus reducing the impact force of the vehicle.

The anti-collision wall mold belongs to an assembled formwork, which is composed of multiple pieces. Its obvious advantages are movable prefabrication, fast production speed and high production efficiency. Each section can be randomly designed into 1-2m sections for installation

And convenient disassembly, reduce deficiencies in manual operation and improve work efficiency. Most of the anti-collision barrier molds are made by steel plate welding, so the thickness of the plate and the technical level of the welder determine the quality of the mold。 Although the shape of the steel formwork of the anti-collision guardrail is relatively simple, the production of the actual mold not only needs simple welding knowledge, but also needs to understand the drawings and grasp the correctness of blanking.

Next, the filling operation is carried out. During filling, a vibrating rod is inserted to prevent too much gas in the raw material from causing too many bubbles in the highway anti-collision guardrail. The product is not strong enough and the performance is greatly reduced, which is not in line with the interests of the construction party. After filling

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